Old Dominion Vet discusses Pet Owner resolutions for the new year.

Pet Owner Resolutions for 2025

2025 is here! We hope it started with a joyous bang for you and your pets. Or a nap if that’s how your crew rolls (looking at you pitbulls!). Have you set your resolutions yet? Or given up on them? Please allow us to suggest something different from the usual joining gym goals – pet owners’ resolutions to help improve your pets’ lives!

Your pets think primarily about you – pleasing you, getting your attention, and your next scheduled feeding. So, at the beginning of the year, it seems fitting to spare a resolutionary moment to focus on how you’ll make their lives healthier and happier in 2025. 

You may already have your own ideas, but if not, we offer our suggestions for pet owner resolutions for the new year below. Feel free to customize them to fit your specific pets’ needs. 

Healthy Pet Owner Resolutions

We want our pets to not only be with us for a long time but also to enjoy the time that they spend with us. So, some of the most critical pet owners’ resolutions are healthy pet resolutions. That includes the basics of food, exercise, and pet care. 


Exercise can be a New Year’s twofer if you’re also trying to be healthier in the new year. Dogs can especially be an excellent motivator to help us reach our fitness goals. (You may want to skip your run, but how can you say no to that face?) And it’s not just good for you, it’s great for them!

Of course, it’s true that not all pets will be able to help you fulfill your own health goals. Older dogs can’t walk as far, and you’ll want to keep most cats in the house (although they’ve been known to be leash-trainable). So even if you can’t exercise yourself with your pets, make sure you get them exercise. 

Here are a few ways to exercise your dogs and cats. 


If your pup is a couch potato, you may need to be the one to motivate them. Not to worry, there are many ways to get your dog exercising even if they’re not up for a run or walk. 

Fetch: If you have a dog that loves to fetch, that’s an easy way to get them moving, even if you’re not up to moving yourself. 

Tug: Some dogs love to play tug of war. For others, it can bring out aggression. Know your dog and act accordingly. 

Interactive Toys: When your dog spends hours alone, an interactive toy that keeps them moving might be just the trick to keep them healthy. 

Other Dogs: If your dogs love other dogs, consider a playdate! Nothing brings out the puppy in a dog like an actual puppy. Just be sure you or someone you trust is supervising. 


Exercising your cats can be a little trickier to get to exercise since they’re trickier to get to do anything they don’t want to! Like anyone, the trick is finding an exercise they will enjoy. 

Chase Toys: Cats don’t fetch per se, but they often love to run after their favorite toy, especially if it makes noise or contains catnip. 

String: Find me a cat who doesn’t like to play with string, and I’ll show you a dog in a cat costume. Get your cat a toy at the end of a string, wave it in front of your cat, and let it bat it around. 

Cattify: Famous cat behaviorist, Jackson Galaxy, the “Cat Daddy” often talks about catitude – which is how you make your home more cat-friendly. One way to do that is by giving them service to get up on. The more you have for your cat to explore, the more they will. 


Your pets may not like this one, but a good pet owner resolution may be not to overfeed your pets. We know! They’re so cute! Nevertheless…

Overfeeding your dogs and cats is one of the primary causes of disease in companion animals. 

You should also resolve to only give healthy treats (in moderation) as rewards. 

Vet Care

And the final healthy pet owner resolution we recommend is to get adequate vet care. Your pet should see their local vet at least once a year and remain current on vaccines. Also, remember not to neglect dental care!

Love Pet Owner Resolutions 

The best pet owner resolutions are a treat for both of you – spending more time and giving more love. Remember that your pet waits to see you all day, so put down that phone and focus 100 percent on your pet, the way your pet does on you. 

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